IG541 is a green fire extinguishing gas, colorless, odorless, non-conductive, and non-corrosive. It can form different systems, uses total flooding with evenly arranged nozzles for optimal effect, and has three startup methods (automatic, manual, and mechanical emergency).
Volume of fire extinguishing agent storage bottle: 80L
Operating temperature range: 0 - 50°C
Storage pressure of fire extinguishing agent: 15MPa (at 20°C)
Maximum working pressure: 17.2MPa (at 50°C)
Filling density of fire extinguishing agent: ≤211.15kg/m³
Starting power supply for system operation: DC power supply DC24V ≤1.6A
Discharge time of fire extinguishing agent: ≤60s
Gas used for starting gas source and its pressure: Nitrogen (6.0MPa)