This device is a prefabricated fire extinguishing device which extinguishes fires in a total flooding mode. It is an independent and complete set and is installed in a suspended or wall-mounted manner. When a fire breaks out, the fire extinguishing agent is sprayed directly into the protected area without pipeline loss, thus achieving faster and more efficient fire extinguishing.
Volume of the fire extinguishing agent storage bottle: 10L;
Operating temperature range: 0 - 50°C;
Storage pressure of the fire extinguishing agent: 1.6 MPA (at 20°C);
Maximum working pressure: 2.5 MPA (at 50°C);
Filling density of the fire extinguishing agent: ≤ 1000 KG/M³;
Activation temperature: 68°C;
Discharge time of the fire extinguishing agent: ≤ 10s;
Device size: For the 10L device: (375 ± 10) * φ266mm